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Alessandro Mendini

Alessandro Mendini
Atelier Mendini, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Alessandro Mendini, the architect, was born in Milan in 1931. He was a partner in the Nizzoli Associati practice until 1970. He was a founding member of the Free School for individual creativity, Global Tools.
From 1970 to 1976 he edited Casabella; from 1977 to 1981 he edited Modo, and Domus from 1979 to 1985. He is a partner in the Alchimia studio and an image and design consultant for a host of manufacturers.
Besides his architecture and furniture design, Mendini has organized a multitude of exhibits and seminars in Italy and abroad. He has authored several books on design (Paesaggio casalingo, Architettura addio, Il progetto infelice) and is on the advisory panel of the Domus Academy. His critiques and essays appear in the chief international trade journals.






Geburtsland, -ort

Mailand, Italien



Berufliche Laufbahn

Studium: Architektur, Polytechnikum Mailand
Ausgeführte Berufe: Architektur, Design, Redaktion
Arbeitsstätten: Architekturbüro Nizzoli Associati, Studio Alchimia, Studio Mendini
Designbereiche: Sitzmöbel, Tableware, Architektur

Bekannte Entwürfe und Hersteller

Sessel Proust (Magis)
Sofa Kandissi
Stuhl Grano


Ausstellungen, Wettbewerbe & Awards

Compasso d’Oro, 1979
Compasso d’Oro, 1981 mit Studio Alchimia
Compasso d’Oro, 2014 für sein Lebenswerk

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